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Blood, Sex & Fangs

A modern horror title crafted by upcoming author N.D. Graveheart, Blood, Sex & Fangs depicts the tale of the young college dropout Jake Jager. With a struggling social life, high anxiety, and an eviction from his parent's household, its needless to say that Jake is in some serious trouble.

Yet, with lack of ability, talent, or any formal education, Jake eventually finds himself accepting an offer by the prestigious Dietrich Family & Corporation. The only catch? Moving across the country to West Virginia to rebuild the abandoned town of Greywater back into its former glory. However, shortly after his arrival, Jake discovers that all is not what it seems to be.

With rumors of urban legends coming to life, and the Dietrich family hiding secrets amongst its workers, will Jake be able to unravel the mysteries surrounding the town? Or will he be subjugated to the horrors that await within?

Blood, Sex & Fangs is due for release on:

Valentine's Day, February 14th, 2024


More About the Story:

Within the pages of Blood, Sex & Fangs is, well... just as the title suggests. Jake Jager, a college dropout about to become evicted from his parent's house for skipping one too many of his college courses, finds himself an offer that's hard to refuse. $50,000 for six months of work in the abandoned town of Greywater, West Virginia. With the added benefits of free housing, warm meals and a potential to fulfill a new life, what does Jake have to lose?

All the while, the Dietrich family have travelled across the seas from Germany to America, in hopes of rebuilding the once flourishing town of Greywater back to its former glory. But unannounced to Jake, the Dietrich have alternative motions in play. For within the abandoned town of Greywater lies in secret parchments to a sacred text that they wish to recover. Though all is not as easy as it sounds, for a great terror dwells within the confines of Greywater. One disguised by urban legends, but remain dangerous all the same.

Upon Jake's initial travels, he meets a shaded figure cloaked in darkness, seemingly haunting his way. Then, within his first week working in the town he discovers one of the missing parchments, an ancient page with unreadable script that transports him into a realm of madness. From here, chaos ensues and the mysteries of the town grow darker by the day. As unknown creatures reveal themselves and the Dietrich show their true intentions, will Jake have what it takes to make it out of Greywater alive?

Current & Upcoming Releases:


Of Men & Monsters

A washed-up historical researcher has one last chance to prove himself by detailing the abandoned ghost town of Greywater, West Virginia. Little to his knowing, Greywater has more to hide than what the rustic, broken surfaces of its empty streets show. Horrors stir in the dark, as he finds himself trapped during one stormy night.


The Curse of Greywater

The last two settlers of the dying town of Greywater find themselves at odds with one another. One, an elderly father at his finale, while his son awaits his passing. Although, after his father returns home one evening, his son notices a particular change. A change that may just end his life if he isn't too careful. . .


After the Eons are Beckoned

An investigator from the Miskatonic University interviews one of the surviving members from an inland oil site, who crew had mysteriously disappeared during the excavation of some ancient, malevolent consecration. But will his interviewee's sanity hold long enough for his story to be told?


Search: "Graveheart Books"

Upcoming Releases:

August 1st, 2023 - Of Men & Monsters
September 1st, 2023 - The Curse of Greywater
October 1st, 2023 - After the Eons are Beckoned
November 1st, 2023 - Terror Song
December 1st, 2023 - All Smiles
January 1st, 2023 - The Listening Void



Author N.D. Graveheart has been at work writing poems and short stories in the underground literary scene in Colorado for nearly a decade. Now falling out of the shadows, he appears with a horror novel that's equipped to evolve the genre altogether. With inspirations provided by films such as The Shining, video games such as Silent Hill, and writers like Mary Shelly, Graveheart hopes to refine the horror genre for a modern audience.

With a little shout out to Stephen King (King of Horror)...

Writing a familiar story with relatable characters and updated horrors based on classic creatures isn't always easy. But while reading the story of Blood, Sex &n Fangs, you might be surprised at what you find. With intertwining mysteries, gruesome terrors and a bit of love making between pages, this novel is anything but typical and everything you want to read in a horror story!

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