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Welcome to
West Virginia

Grand Opening Valentines Day 2024

Greywater, West Virginia, home to large game, grand fishing, and an absorbent amount of attractions. Established in 1798, the town was quickly abandoned in 1921 due to coal export shortages. But with time comes rejuvenation, and the town is set to reopen in February of 2024. With all new nature-related attractions, historical monuments, and museums dedicated to Greywater's compelling history, there will be something new for everyone to find! Whether you're touring the Appalachia or calling Greywater your new home, there's no better time to visit than now!

The Dietrich Family and Corporation has been hard at work restoring the town of Greywater to it's formal glory. With a specialized set of workers from across the country, we aim to bring a new light to the Appalachia of West Virginia.

The town of Greywater, West Virginia can be found in the upcoming novel by N.D. Graveheart: Blood, Sex & Fangs

Subscribe to our newsletter or purchase the Promotional Release of the Prologue and Chapter 1 below for more information.

About Dietrich Family & Corp.

A quick history of the German-founded Corporation

Dietrich Family & Corp. began in the European regions, restoring small, abandoned towns to their former glory. The current head of the family and business alike, Boris Dietrich, began his ventures shortly after the events of World War II. The Dietrich name has been an esteemed staple to the town of Eifel, Germany since the 1700's. With the amount of wealth that Dietrich had accumulated through land ownership and agricultural means, Boris Dietrich sought to provide new hope to the pre-existing communities of his homeland. In time, that preservation for historical towns grew and as of today Dietrich has provided enrichment to once forgotten towns spanning from France to Romania, with an emphasis on origins and culture.

Today, Dietrich wishes to expand their providence to the American region. Such as is Europe, our company has worked closely with the governing bodies and state to accumulate funds and provide work to the local region. Together, Dietrich hopes to restore lost assets to Greywater, as well as future towns across America.


Support Indie Authors

Purchase, Read & Review the promotional Prologue/Chapter 1, and the short prequel story Of Men & Monsters for only $0.99USD each.

Every purchase and review helps tremendously and provides independent writers such as N.D. Graveheart the motivation to provide their reader's the best quality of story possible.

For greater support, be sure to follow the author on all social media by searching: "Graveheart"

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