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  • graveheartliterary

Of Men & Monsters Release

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

It is July 30th, 2023, and I've been reading a lot of Evangelion fan-fiction manga while editing both my short stories and main story. I only offer this knowledge to my reader as an alteration into my common emotions. This doesn't matter much, unless you like to know my personal inner-workings.

The second short story of six, The Curse of Greywater, had been completely edited and finalized for weeks now. A story that I from a very submissive level, has detailed and perceived in exacts since its inception. It may be one of a few of these stories that, in fact, hold.a major significance towards the overall tale of Blood, Sex & Fangs. Although, only the reader will be able to tell.

If I'm completely honest, I've been editing After the Eons are Beckoned. The secondary short story, The Curse of Greywater, has already been edited and finalized months ago. And as the amateur musician that I am, I've been focused on the OST for After the Eons are Beckoned before the OST of The Curse of Greywater. I suppose its in confidence, for The Curse of Greywater was the first short story I had written after Blood, Sex & Fangs.

So, in loyal hopes, I wish to see all of my followers expand into the Blood, Sex & Fangs universe with the first short story of Of Men & Monsters, available now at:

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